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Research Fellows 2020-21


Our branches are looking to take on capable researchers who have prior/ongoing research experience or subject specialism in environmental policy, economics, finance, and science.


Six Degrees is looking to select a team of inaugural Research Fellows to work alongside our consultants as advisors and collaborators, and/or curating internal content such as sustainability guides and handbooks. This is a unique opportunity to generate a publication you can be proud of, and be directly involved in distributing/advertising.


The Fellows will be supported with ongoing training for the duration of the programme, and will be expected to work 5-10 hours a week. There will also be Fellow-exclusive benefits in the forms or events, socials, and networking organised or paid for by Six Degrees. We are particularly looking to take on graduate research students, as this work may require some research experience and perhaps further availability than undergraduates can provide. 


This work will be led by the Research Directors at each branch, and supervised by the Executive Director. For open recruitment please see your respective branch website. 



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